By  Brian Martin - Student Ministries Director

“Sometimes the church is the bride, and sometimes it’s the Bridezilla.”

Are you familiar with this term: Bridezilla?  It refers to a bride who terrorizes all her guests (and especially those who are involved in the wedding) because she is entirely selfish.  She believes it acceptable behavior because, as conventional wisdom suggests, “today is all about her.”

Scripture refers to the Church, meaning all those who claim Jesus as Savior, as a bride.  So my question for all of us is simple: are we acting like a righteous bride, anticipating a reunion with our Bridegroom and seeking a holiness and selflessness that would please Him?  Or do we approach our faith and our life with the attitude of selfishness and an air of “it’s all about me?”

Revelation 19:6-7
    For our Lord God Almighty reigns.
7 Let us rejoice and be glad
    and give him glory!
For the wedding of the Lamb has come,
    and his bride has made herself ready.

May we each be filled with the Spirit, be convicted of our own selfishness, and act like a proper, loving Bride who prepares herself with righteousness and humility before God!

Here are some important things going on at Faith Covenant in the coming weeks:

Small Group Kick-off
We're ready to launch! Our newly formed leadership team is in place, group leaders have been trained, and we're excited to launch several new and varied groups this month! Please be praying now about taking a leap of faith and joining a small group. On February 17 you will receive a brochure outlining all of Faith's small group options, and on February 24, Pastor David Stark will lead our worship service, which will be followed by a time to connect with leaders and sign up for a group in the lobby.

Ash Wednesday
Service will be 6:30-7:15pm in the Worship Center.  This marks the beginning of Lent and will include contemplative prayer and reflection, and communion.

"Jesus and the Qur'an” Wednesday Classes
This class is 6 weeks and starts Feb 6 with leaders Rick Drenk and Kim Gustafson. (Class will start at 7:30 on Feb 12 to make space for the Ash Wednesday service). It will be from 6:30-8:00 in room 200.  No registration necessary – please just join us and invite a friend!

Student Winter Retreats
The REV and Fusion winter retreats are on the same weekend, March 1-3 at Lake Beauty Bible Camp. Registration is online only, through Eventbrite. The junior high retreat costs $120 - register at revolutionretreat.eventbrite.com.  The senior high retreat is $130 - register for it at fusionretreat.eventbrite.com. Registration deadline is February 15. Please note that If you want to order a t-shirt, you also do that through Eventbrite.

Student Ministry Summer Trips for REV and FUSION – Informational meeting this Sunday!
Please join us this Sunday, February 3 from 10:40-11:00am between services in room 230.  You’ll have a chance to hear details, ask questions, and learn some of our new ways of approaching these Service Leadership Trips.  Jr. High will be heading to Milwaukee and Sr. High is going to Colorado.

by Jon Dack, Children's Ministry Director
If you are like me you might have found yourself questioning your own sanity this past week. After all, what person in their right mind would choose to live in a place where it is possible for the "high" temp to reach a balmy -4. I know the die hard Minnesotan's will accuse me of going soft but here is my list of reasons I might consider moving to a warmer climate and one really good reason I probably never will:

- Freezing nose hair (Need I say more?)
- Dead car batteries
- Low air pressure in my cars tires
- Frost bite on my fingers from trying to air up my cars tires
- Black ice
- Cold car seats (Sorry no seat warmers in my vehicle)
- Standing still so that my legs don't touch the outside of my frozen pants
- Wind chills so low I have to worry about "flash freezing" any exposed skin
- Having to seek refuge from the wind behind the gas pump as I fill up my car

Yes, at times it seems like the decision to seek warmer waters should be a easy one, but then there is one really good reason to stay. This is home. There maybe warmer weather in other places but I don't think I could ever find warmer people. There is something about the weather that draws us together into the common experience of what it is to "be Minnesotan". It is a common bond that we all share no matter our ethnicity, race, or politics. Love the cold, hate it, or do both, but you can't deny that it wouldn't be home without it.  

Looking for ways to warm your soul this winter? Check out the upcoming events at Faith Covenant below:
Rest & Renewal Prayer Retreat
You are invited to a time of spiritual rest and renewal as we pause to intentionally make space to connect more intimately with God.  We will do this through guided conversations around scripture, creative prayer, and holy listening. January 26th from 9am - 3pm. Contact Pastor John with questions: [email protected].

"Jesus and the Qur'an” Seminar
This seminar will equip people to understand where Muslims come from and learn how to bring the love of Jesus to Muslim friends. It is hosted by Faith, Common Ground, and Discovery Ministry at the Apple Valley Community Center, February 1 & 2. Follow-up teaching on applying the kingdom principles of this seminar will be given by Kim Gustafson and Rick Drenk on Wednesday nights at Faith in February & March. Sign up and/or learn more on FCC website.

Women’s Bible Study
Come connect with other women as we strengthen our spiritual and human relationships through study & discussion. Our winter study is based on the book "Stuck", by Jennie Allen, and will help us discover where we get stuck and how God sets us free. Tuesdays, January 29 - March 19 at 10am or 7pm. Book is $9. Sign up in the lobby on Sundays or RSVP to [email protected].

Student Summer Trip Information Meeting
February 3 @10:40am - interested students and parents are invited to hear about the Summer Service Leadership Trip to Milwaukee, June 30-July 3, for junior high students, and the Summer Service Leadership Trip to Colorado, July 13-20, for senior high students. The meeting will be brief but will give pertinent details about both trips. For further questions, contact Lynn at [email protected].

Greetings Faith family! Can you believe our month of rest is half over? Are you making time for Sabbath rest this month? Despite my best intentions, I admit I find it hard to rest – the kids’ schedules don’t slow down, household chores & errands don’t wait, and teenagers need to eat (a lot and often). That said, I do cherish my Monday Sabbath days – unscheduled days that I get to fill (or not)…

My challenge to us as a church (and that includes me!) is to be purposeful this week about setting aside some time for just you and God. Schedule it. Put it on your calendar. Make it a priority. Pray, read, and be quiet. Wait for God to speak. And don’t rush Him! I promise you won’t regret it – in fact, you will likely find that time so life-giving that life doesn’t make sense without it!

As nice as a quieter month has been, I have to say I’m excited about several exciting opportunities coming up. I encourage you to read below and consider which one(s) God wants to use to grow you this winter/spring:

Faith Covenant’s annual meeting (Sunday, January 20, 12:15pm)

If you consider Faith Covenant your home, please consider attending Sunday’s annual business meeting. It’s a great opportunity to connect with others, hear from our staff, & be a part of God’s work here in the coming year. This is your church, and your voice is valuable to us as we seek God’s direction and make plans for budget and ministries!

Rest & Renewal Retreat (Saturday, January 26, 9am-3pm)

Ahhh... Imagine a day set aside to seek God’s presence, to hear His voice, and to connect with others in a sweet time of fellowship. Join us for a day of spiritual rest and renewal as we pause to intentionally make space to connect more intimately with God, through guided conversations around scripture, creative prayer, and holy listening. Cost: $10.

Women’s Bible Study (begins Tuesday, January 29, 10am and 7pm)

Calling women of all ages! Join us as we fellowship and study Jenni Allen’s book “Stuck,” which looks at God’s plan to restore those parts of us that hold us back. Be prepared to look deep inside and learn how God alone provides hope and freedom! Cost: $10.

Unidos en Cristo (UEC) (January 31-February 3 [men] and February 7-10 [women])

We want you to be aware that our church is hosting UEC retreats these two weekends. A number of Faith Covenanters are attending/serving during both weekends (which have proven life-changing for countless people). Please be in prayer for those attending & serving… that they will have a personal, powerful encounter with the living God!

Jesus and the Qur’an (February 1 & 2, Apple Valley, Hayes Community & Senior Center)

·      Join us for a powerful seminar to help equip people in understanding where Muslims are coming from and how to bring the love of Jesus to Muslim friends.

·      Register at http://jaq.org/blog/2012/12/04/minneapolis-jaq-february-1-2-2013/ Pay online during registration or pay at the door by cash or check made out to “JAQ.”

Bless you this week!    Pastor Char




Wow! Did you know over the holiday season we had over 30 “Yes” packets taken? That means 30 people said their first “yes” to Jesus over the Christmas holiday and what a better way to celebrate then letting out a huge “Whahooooo!” Go head, say it out loud from your computer right now. All the people around you at work or home might look at you weird! But that’s ok. God is moving people to be transformed here at Faith and that is worth the celebration!

As a staff, we are continually trying to make ways to involve and connect more people to Jesus. We have been re-working our vision and mission statements. In February, we want you to be apart of our mission. We are taking 8 weeks to unpack our vision in our series we are calling “Heart, Home, City.” We also will be launching our small groups in February and want you to take part in digging in deeper to God’s word with those around you. If you are interested in being a small Group leader, check out the training dates below.

Finally, as always, there is a lot happening around this place. Take a look at the events coming up below. We hope to see you this weekend for week two of our rest series called, “Give Us Rest.”


This is Jon Oney Signing off….





Calling All Small Group Leaders: We will be launching new small groups at Faith in late February of 2013. This means that we are inviting those who are currently leading a small group and also those who might be open to leading to attend our January Small Group Training Seminar. We offer both a week-day option spread out over a Tuesday and Thursday evenings (Jan. 15 and 17 pm) or a Saturday (Jan 19) option. Please email Jen Sorensen if you would be open to attending the training ([email protected]).

Annual Congregational Meeting Sunday, January 20: Please join us for our annual congregational meeting in the Worship Center at 12:15 (following the completion of the second service).  Anyone who feels like a part of the Faith Covenant Family is highly encouraged to attend.

Rest & Renewal Retreat:  Saturday, January 26 9:00am-3:00pm :: FCC: You are invited to a time of spiritual rest and renewal as we pause to intentionally make space to connect more intimately with God. On January 26th you are invited to gather for a day of slowing and savoring, and holding the sacred gift of life with God. We will do this through guided conversations around Sacred Scripture, creative prayer, holy listening, silence and reflection, play and rest. “I will take my beloved children into the wilderness and there I will speak tenderly to them. I will restore their fruitfulness and turn their valley of trouble into a door of hope.” Hosea 2:14-15  Contact Pastor John for any questions: [email protected]

Women’s Mug Club Kick-Off: TODAY!!! Thursday, January 10 from 7 - 8:15pm - join other women in this opportunity for fellowship, encouragement and laughter, and getting to know one another. Bring yourself (a friend if you desire), and a mug to be filled by the hostess with something yummy to drink. For more information, contact Anne at 651.431.8545 or [email protected] or sign up in the lobby today.

Prime Time Monthly Fellowship & Luncheon: As we begin a new year, we want to be sure that you’re aware of this connecting opportunity intended for those 55 and older.  It always has a top-notch lunch, great conversation and music, and learning from a variety of speakers. Held on the second Thursday of the month at 11:30am, the next Prime Time is this Thursday, January 10. RSVP at the Connections desk today or to Elaine at 952.890.2086 by noon on Monday, January 7.

Men’s Bible Study/Fellowship Opportunities: There are several opportunities for men to connect and have fellowship at Faith beyond Sunday morning. (Monday & Tuesday PM, Saturday AM) To connect with the team lead of these studies, call Chuck (Monday) at 952.890.7338, Dave (Tuesday) at 952.890.8959 or Fran (Saturday) at 952.432.6861. 


Happy New Year Faith Covenant!

By Brian Martin

I don’t know about you, but the New Year always makes me very reflective.  I think about my goals, my hopes, my failures – all of it.  I try to be as honest as I can with myself about my current state of being.  It’s an exercise in self-awareness and forward progress.  Many times I consider my physical health, my emotional health, and the health of my relationships.  Buy my most important consideration has to be: what does my spiritual health look like?  How are my physical, emotional, and relational states informing my relationship with the Most High God?

1 Corinthians 11:1 is a verse I come back to a lot as someone who is a leader in a local church.  It simply says, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”  Who around you is following Christ, and how can you follow his or her example?  Who is already following you?  Are you showing those people what it means to follow Christ, or are you following something or someone else?

My prayer is that you have a happy and blessed new year.  I believe God has big things in store for our Faith Covenant family this year!

Oh…and Go Packers!

Here is some New Year’s News:                                     

Calling All Small Group Leaders

We will be launching new small groups at Faith in late February of 2013. This means that we are inviting those who are currently leading a small group and also those who might be open to leading to attend our January Small Group Training Seminar. We offer both a week-day option spread out over a Tuesday and Thursday evenings (Jan. 15 and 17 pm) or a Saturday (Jan 19) option. Please email Jen Sorensen if you would be open to attending the training ([email protected]).

Annual Congregational Meeting:  Sunday, January 20

Please join us for our annual congregational meeting in the Worship Center at 12:15 (following the completion of the second service).  Anyone who feels like a part of the Faith Covenant Family is highly encouraged to attend.

Rest & Renewal Retreat:  Saturday, January 26

9:00am-3:00pm :: Faith Covenant

You are invited to a time of spiritual rest and renewal as we pause to intentionally make space to connect more intimately with God. On January 26th you are invited to gather for a day of slowing and savoring, and holding the sacred gift of life with God. We will do this through guided conversations around Sacred Scripture, creative prayer, holy listening, silence and reflection, play and rest. “I will take my beloved children into the wilderness and there I will speak tenderly to them. I will restore their fruitfulness and turn their valley of trouble into a door of hope.” Hosea 2:14-15  Contact Pastor John for any questions: [email protected].

Some Connection Points for You to Consider:

Women’s Mug Club Kick-Off

Come to Faith on Thursday, January 10 from 7 - 8:15pm to join other women in this opportunity for fellowship, encouragement and laughter, and getting to know one another. Bring yourself (a friend if you desire), and a mug to be filled by the hostess with something yummy to drink. For more information, contact Anne at 651.431.8545 or [email protected] or sign up in the lobby today.

Community Bible Study

CBS resumes their Monday night study tomorrow, January 7 with a new focus - I & II Thessalonians. If you have been interested in joining, this would be a great time to start! Meets weekly on Mondays from 7 - 9pm.

Prime Time Monthly Fellowship & Luncheon

As we begin a new year, we want to be sure that you’re aware of this connecting opportunity intended for those 55 and older.  It always has a top-notch lunch, great conversation and music, and learning from a variety of speakers. Held on the second Thursday of the month at 11:30am, the next Prime Time is this Thursday, January 10. RSVP at the Connections desk today or to Elaine at 952.890.2086 by noon on Monday, January 7.

Men’s Bible Study/Fellowship Opportunities

There are several opportunities for men to connect and have fellowship at Faith beyond Sunday morning. (Monday & Tuesday PM, Saturday AM) To connect with the team lead of these studies, call Chuck (Monday) at 952.890.7338, Dave (Tuesday) at 952.890.8959 or Fran (Saturday) at 952.432.6861.

Children + Youth + Family

Wednesday night programming resumes Wednesday, January 9 for Children’s Ministry, Revolution (Middle School) and Fusion (high school).  Can’t wait to see everyone back and hear all the energy in the building!

If you are new and you are interested in learning more, feel free to come on any Wednesday night we have programming and we will get you all set up – no pre-registration is necessary.

Since You Got This Far…
You should really read Mike Lotzer’s post from last week if you didn’t already see it.