Greetings Faith family! Can you believe our month of rest is half over? Are you making time for Sabbath rest this month? Despite my best intentions, I admit I find it hard to rest – the kids’ schedules don’t slow down, household chores & errands don’t wait, and teenagers need to eat (a lot and often). That said, I do cherish my Monday Sabbath days – unscheduled days that I get to fill (or not)…

My challenge to us as a church (and that includes me!) is to be purposeful this week about setting aside some time for just you and God. Schedule it. Put it on your calendar. Make it a priority. Pray, read, and be quiet. Wait for God to speak. And don’t rush Him! I promise you won’t regret it – in fact, you will likely find that time so life-giving that life doesn’t make sense without it!

As nice as a quieter month has been, I have to say I’m excited about several exciting opportunities coming up. I encourage you to read below and consider which one(s) God wants to use to grow you this winter/spring:

Faith Covenant’s annual meeting (Sunday, January 20, 12:15pm)

If you consider Faith Covenant your home, please consider attending Sunday’s annual business meeting. It’s a great opportunity to connect with others, hear from our staff, & be a part of God’s work here in the coming year. This is your church, and your voice is valuable to us as we seek God’s direction and make plans for budget and ministries!

Rest & Renewal Retreat (Saturday, January 26, 9am-3pm)

Ahhh... Imagine a day set aside to seek God’s presence, to hear His voice, and to connect with others in a sweet time of fellowship. Join us for a day of spiritual rest and renewal as we pause to intentionally make space to connect more intimately with God, through guided conversations around scripture, creative prayer, and holy listening. Cost: $10.

Women’s Bible Study (begins Tuesday, January 29, 10am and 7pm)

Calling women of all ages! Join us as we fellowship and study Jenni Allen’s book “Stuck,” which looks at God’s plan to restore those parts of us that hold us back. Be prepared to look deep inside and learn how God alone provides hope and freedom! Cost: $10.

Unidos en Cristo (UEC) (January 31-February 3 [men] and February 7-10 [women])

We want you to be aware that our church is hosting UEC retreats these two weekends. A number of Faith Covenanters are attending/serving during both weekends (which have proven life-changing for countless people). Please be in prayer for those attending & serving… that they will have a personal, powerful encounter with the living God!

Jesus and the Qur’an (February 1 & 2, Apple Valley, Hayes Community & Senior Center)

·      Join us for a powerful seminar to help equip people in understanding where Muslims are coming from and how to bring the love of Jesus to Muslim friends.

·      Register at Pay online during registration or pay at the door by cash or check made out to “JAQ.”

Bless you this week!    Pastor Char

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