Parents: Are you familiar with Steve Green’s “Hide ‘em in your Heart” Bible song CDs? If not, they’re worth a listen… these songs played a regular and important role in our family’s life when our kids were young. Bible verses (nothing else added) put to music – songs that I would play in the car when our kiddos were restless, that often changed the mood as we traveled…songs that still run through my mind.  For the past 5 or 6 days, his “Fruit of the Spirit” song has been playing in my mind regularly – “The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness. The fruit of the spirit is faithfulness, gentleness and self control.” These words are straight from Galatians 5:22-23, and they are a great reminder of what will naturally grow in and pour out of us as we walk daily with Jesus! God’s fruit – both singular and plural. All of these will grow in us as we “keep in step with the Spirit.”

Church, we have a great opportunity to show the world the difference that Jesus makes in our lives! When others respond to life’s challenges with anger or bitterness, controlled by feelings of jealousy or entitlement, we get to point to Jesus as His fruit pours out of us. What an amazing way to encourage this world and build others up!

Here’s a peek at a number of things starting or re-starting this fall at Faith:

Faith Kids Dates to Know for Fall
Sunday, September 1: Nursery only will be provided in light of the holiday weekend. Sunday, September 8th: last Sunday of summer schedule.  Wednesday Night program kicks off on September 11th. Sunday Morning programs kick off on September 15 at both services. Our wonderful volunteers will gather on September 4 at 6pm (WED Night Volunteers) and September 8 at 9:30am (SUN AM Volunteers). Watch the mail for more information and family registration forms.

All Church Picnic: Rescheduled Date (September 8, 12:15pm)
No rain threats here! Join us in Room 150 right after church to eat, visit, and watch the Vikings game, and then pop outside to catch Burnsville's Fire Muster parade (parade starts at 1pm). Bring a non-perishable dish (chips, fruit/veggies, dessert) to share.

Community Covenant Church Benefit Concert (September 8, 5pm)
Join Pastor John at an evening of song, testimony and hope to benefit Community Covenant Church of Minneapolis whose sanctuary was destroyed by arson 5 weeks ago. Concert will be at the north campus of Minnehaha Academy. It will feature the Community Covenant Church Choirs and special guests: Robert Robinson and Sanctuary Covenant Church.

Fall Adult Equip Class (begins September 15)
Join us for the 6 week adult equip class: "The Parables of Jesus: Revealing the Kingdom" at 11am in room 230. Everyone welcome. Questions: contact Lee Wyman at 952.891.3901.

Fall Women's Bible Study (begins September 17)
Please join us for Beth Moore’s study "Believing God". Based on Isaiah 43:10, we will study how to deepen our trust in God through the study of the lives of Abraham, Moses, and others. Morning study is from 9:30-11:30am and evening study is from 6:30-8:30pm, with childcare available at both. Books are $15.00 at Faith. RSVP to [email protected] by September 15.

Financial Peace University (begins September 17)
We will be hosting a Financial Peace University (FPU) class this fall on Tuesday evenings, 6:30-8:30pm. To register, visit and select the Faith Covenant class. Member kits are $95/each (couples only need one) and will be available at Faith. Please contact the Care office at [email protected] if you would like to be considered for a scholarship. For other questions, contact DeeAnn at 612-590-6804 or [email protected].

Wednesday Evening Adult Equip: Water of Life (begins September 18, 6:30pm)
This class equips and disciples Christian believers to better understand spiritual warfare and overcome the obstacles that prevent them from living the abundant life of freedom God intends for them. Each week you’ll experience insightful teaching followed by small group discussion time. No cost. To sign up email [email protected]

Wednesday Evening Adult Equip: Care Team Training (begins September 18, 6:30pm)
We're launching FOUR new ministry teams this fall to encourage and equip you, the church, to BE the church in the lives of those around you. If you love Jesus and His people, join us this fall for a 10 week training course in pastoral care and connect ministries. Course runs 10 consecutive Wednesday nights,, from 6:30-8pm. Contact Jen at [email protected] to register.

See you next month!

Pastor Char

Greetings Church Family!

In this week's Faith Update I want to share with you some opportunities to dive into this movement of Christ followers! Whether it is bringing Christ into the center of your personal finances or asking if God might be leading you to lead a small group please check out what's happening here.


-Pastor Mike

Small Group Leader Training
Calling all (potential) small group leaders! Are you feeling a nudge to help lead one of Faith's small group? Is there a topic you are passionate about? We're looking for small group leaders of a wide variety to launch small groups of an equally wide variety this fall! Training is free and support is ongoing. Contact Jen at [email protected] to sign up! Training is offered as two options: #1- Saturday, August 24 from 9am - 3 pm; #2-Monday and Wednesday, August 26 & 28 6 - 9pm.

Financial Peace University
You spoke, and we are delighted to respond! This spring at the close of our Guardrails series, several hundred of you wrote down an area you wanted to hand over to God. Overwhelmingly, finances were the most frequently-cited growth area. In response, we will be hosting a Financial Peace University (FPU) class this fall on Tuesday evenings, September 17-November 12, 6:30-8:30pm. To register, visit and select the Faith Covenant class. Member kits are $95/each (couples only need one) and will be available at Faith. Please contact the Care office at [email protected] if you would like to be considered for a scholarship. For other questions, contact DeeAnn at 612-590-6804 or [email protected].

Tangible Mission Support
If you would consider loaning a dependable car for Larry and Allison Smoak to use while they are visiting Minnesota this fall (through New Years) please contact Jen at [email protected]. Use would be mostly for metro area travel, with one out of state visit. Any offers for all or part of the time they are here from Honduras are appreciated.

Confirmation Information Meeting
An initial informational meeting will be held Sunday, August 25 at 10:30-11:00am in room 150 (youth center). At this gathering, we will briefly explain expectations and answer questions. All students considering taking confirmation and a parent should attend. This is most commonly 9th graders, but older students who did not take it are also welcome, and occasionally 8th graders choose to as well. If only a student or only a parent can attend for some reason, do that. However, if you absolutely cannot make the meeting, please contact Brian ([email protected]) to get the necessary information sent to you.

Children, Youth and Family Update
After two and a half years serving at FCC, Shelly Brinkmann has chosen to transition out of her role at Faith Covenant Church as our Nursery Coordinator. We celebrate her faithful service and many contributions to the spiritual care and development of our youngest worshipers at Faith Covenant. If Shelly has touched your family, please take the time to honor her and thank her for her work. We hope and pray that her next steps are a blessing to her and her family.

In response to Shelly’s transition, Erin Foley will be stepping in as the Interim Early Childhood Coordinator. Erin has been volunteering in this area frequently and knows the program and the people involved very well. Her position will last 8-10 weeks until we hire a permanent position in the near future. If you have any questions about the transition or anything else related to children and family ministry, please contact Brian Martin at [email protected] or 952.890.3110.

And while that last sentence probably sounds like just a token gesture and a rote expression that someone would put in any letter like this, I assure you it actually is not. I truly value your input and desire to hear your questions, so if you have them, please contact me. We are in this together

Thank you.

Brian Martin

Director of Children, Youth, and Family
Hello Faith Family!

As we have been talking about “overcoming” the last two weeks, something I have been thinking about is how to overcome disunity in the body of Christ. I want to share with you an entry from my journal (below). I feel this is something every church struggles with, but rarely is addressed. Following the journal entry is a list of what is coming up at Faith.

Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. For there is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father, who is over all and in all and living through all.

I always hear people say we are to be unified in the body…but what does that mean? I have been involved at many churches, and let me tell you, some of the worst division of people is perpetuated within the walls of the church. Churches seem to be natural breeding grounds for division. Church-goers might feel more entitled to heaven, or think that what they are doing is more important than what other churches are doing, or even what people within their own church are doing.

Have you ever been a part of a church that always has to tell you they are the exciting church – doing so many things —they are not one of those boring churches? They have to put other churches down to build themselves up. Ever been to a church like that?

That is not to say we shouldn’t celebrate what the larger body of Christ across denominational lines is doing for the kingdom. But Paul makes a plea for us in the verses above. He says, “make every effort to keep unified”. How do we do that? By living in peace with one another. Not putting down or waging war on other denominations, but seeking out the good unified Spirit of Jesus, who is the head of the church that unifies us in one body. We are all called to the same future with Christ. We have already won. The verdict is in. Why not celebrate together? Celebrate diversity instead of disunity. That sounds like a more pleasing option to me; and hopefully to all of us.

God, be with all churches today as they work to further your kingdom on earth. Help us be unified in the Spirit, not creating discord among your people, but building each other up in faith. Lord I understand this starts with me. Clean my heart, help me be a person who promotes your peace and unity. Amen.


All Church Picnic
Summer in Minnesota = Church Picnic time! Plan to join us next Wednesday, August 21 from 6-8:30pm for dinner, fellowship, and baptisms at Antler's Park (Lake Marion) in Lakeville! We'll provide burgers and hot dogs - bring your own chair or blanket and a dish to share.

Small Group Leader Training
Calling all (potential) small group leaders! Are you feeling a nudge to help lead one of Faith's small group? Is there a topic you are passionate about? We're looking for small group leaders of a wide variety to launch small groups of an equally wide variety this fall! Training is free and support is ongoing. Contact Jen at [email protected] to sign up! Training is offered as two options: #1- Saturday, August 24 from 9am - 3 pm; #2-Monday and Wednesday, August 26 & 28 6 - 9pm.

Women's Fall Retreat
Covenant Pines Women’s Retreat on September 20-22 is designed with you in mind! Come and enjoy inspiring biblical teaching, uplifting worship, break-out sessions, crafts, exercise activities, much needed free time and delicious dining! Sign-up with family, friends, on your own, or with a church group. Speaker is Pastor Stephanie Williams of Mill City Church in Northeast Minneapolis. Register at Register before August 20 and enjoy an early bird discount of $15.

Tangible Mission Support
If you would consider loaning a dependable car for Larry and Allison Smoak to use while they are visiting Minnesota this fall (through New Years) please contact Jen at [email protected]. Use would be mostly for metro area travel, with one out of state visit. Any offers for all or part of the time they are here from Honduras are appreciated.

Confirmation Information Meeting
An initial informational meeting will be held Sunday, August 25 at 10:30-11:00am in room 150 (youth center). At this gathering, we will briefly explain expectations and answer questions. All students considering taking confirmation and a parent should attend. This is most commonly 9th graders, but older students who did not take it are also welcome, and occasionally 8th graders choose to as well.

Financial Peace University
You spoke, and we are delighted to respond! This spring at the close of our Guardrails series, several hundred of you wrote down an area you wanted to hand over to God. Overwhelmingly, finances were the most frequently-cited growth area. In response, we will be hosting a Financial Peace University (FPU) class this fall on Tuesday evenings, September 17-November 12, 6:30-8:30pm. To register, visit and select the Faith Covenant class. Member kits are $95/each (couples only need one) and will be available at Faith. Please contact the Care office at [email protected] if you would like to be considered for a scholarship. For other questions, contact DeeAnn at 612-590-6804 or [email protected].


Faith Family,

I had a great discussion today with some of my teammates about the barriers parents face in being the spiritual leaders of their homes. Did you know that according to the Barna Group’s research, the number one factor present among young adults who maintained a passionate faith life and active church involvement as they crossed into adulthood was worship in the home? My takeway from that: if I want my own children to love Jesus 15-20 years down the line, the best thing I can do is model that for them and lead them in that part of their life not just at church, but right in my own home.

This illustrates a bigger truth, I think. When kids see passion – genuine, real, authentic, passion for Jesus Chirst – they are compelled by it. Is your passion for a relationship with Jesus real? How are you “shining your light” in your own home? What barriers are holding you back and how can you help limit or eliminate those barriers? If your kids are already out of the house, how can you partner with them in the raising of your grandchildren, or how can you partner with other young parents in the church still in the throes of child-rearing?

Now confession time: that is way easier to say than it is to know actually how to do it. This is one of the things our Children, Youth, and Family team is thinking and praying through – not just how to do it, but how to help you do it well, too. We’d love your prayers as we work on that effort.

Some food for thought for you today…I know I’m still chewing on it.

Here’s some stuff going on around here we thought you’d like to know about:

All Church Picnic

Summer in Minnesota = Church Picnic time! Plan to join us on Wednesday, August 21 from 6-8:30pm for dinner, fellowship, and baptisms at Antler's Park (Lake Marion) in Lakeville! We'll provide burgers and hot dogs - bring your own chair or blanket and a dish to share.

Confirmation Initial Information Meeting

An initial informational meeting will be held Sunday, August 25 at 10:30-11:00am in room 150 (youth center). At this gathering, we will briefly explain expectations and answer questions. All students considering taking confirmation and a parent should attend. This is most commonly 9th graders, but older students who did not take it are also welcome, and occasionally 8th graders choose to as well.

Faithful Purls

Calling anyone with skill or interest in knitting and visiting: Faith's knitting group plans to meet at JoJo's Rise and Wine on Wednesday August 14 from 6:30-8pm. Plan to join us to learn a new skill, work on a project, and enjoy some lively fellowship!

Small Group Leader Training

Calling all (potential) small group leaders! Are you feeling a nudge to help lead one of Faith's small groups? Is there a topic you are passionate about? We're looking for small group leaders of a wide variety to launch small groups of an equally wide variety this fall! Training is free and support is ongoing. Contact Jen  at [email protected] to sign up! Training is offered as two options: #1- Saturday, August 24 from 9am - 3 pm; #2-Monday and Wednesday, August 26 & 28 6 - 8:30pm

Honduras Water Project

Get in the trenches! Agua Viva is planning a Honduras Water Project November 1-10. If you’re interested in traveling to Honduras and helping to build a water system, as well as sharing the hope that Jesus Christ the Living Water offers, contact Jay Substad @ 952-412-7682 or email [email protected]. The team will form soon, with training starting in September.

Children's Ministry Staffing Update  

Vicki Newendorp will be joining our team as the Interim Children's Ministry Coordinator. Vicki will bring clarity, great communication skills, organization, warmth, and leadership in the midst of our transition in Children's Ministry. She will work between 10-15 hours per week, focusing on Sunday mornings and prep for the Fall ministry season. To be clear: this is a short-term position. The process to find our long-term position is underway.

Dear FCC family,

I love freedom.  To me there is nothing better than the reality and experience of being free in Christ.  This month we kick off a new sermon series, Overcome: the keys to unlocking freedom.  I'm excited that we'll be doing this series in partnership with our church plant, Restoration Covenant, and we'll get to hear pastor Rob Jacobson here at FCC during the series.  In addition to the kickoff this weekend of this series, Saturday night's Empowered awareness concert, is all about freedom.  Come out to the Nicollet Commons Park and support our own Faith4Freedom ministry around the awareness of human trafficking.  Wherever you are, whatever you're going through, I pray that you experience God's presence and God's freedom in new and profound ways in the coming days.  Afterall, "...where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."  Check out all that is going on and coming up at FCC...

Freedom Blessings,
Pastor John

Bagels with the Bachelors 
All are welcome to meet with the Bachelor family and get an update on the work going on in the Middle East. Stop by room 200 this Sunday, August 4 at 12:15pm.

Empowered: Awareness Concert
Faith4Freedom's free Awareness and Action Concert will be held this Saturday August 3, from 6–9pm at  Nicollet Commons Park in Burnsville. It's goal is to raise awareness and thus help fight human trafficking in Minnesota.  In the case of rain, the concert will be held at Faith Covenant. For more information, contact Deb Devine at [email protected]

Agua Viva Water Project 
Get in the trenches! Agua Viva is planning a Honduras Water Project November 1-10. If you’re interested in traveling to Honduras and helping to build a water system, as well as sharing the hope that Jesus Christ the Living Water offers, contact Jay Substad @ 952-412-7682 or email [email protected]. The team will form soon, with training starting in September.

Family Weekend Camp Opportunity
Family Camp at Covenant Pines brings the best of summer programming, staff, and outdoor beauty together to provide an opportunity for families to grow closer to God and to one another. August's 8th - 11th camp begins after 4pm on Thursday and ends after lunch on Sunday. Speaker: Rob Jacobson from Restoration Covenant Church. For further details, and to register, visit CPBC’s website at

All Church Picnic
Summer in Minnesota = Church Picnic time! Plan to join us on Wednesday, August 21 from 6-8:30pm for dinner, fellowship, and baptisms at Antler's Park (at Lake Marion in Lakeville)! We'll provide burgers and hot dogs - bring your own chair or blanket and a dish to share.