Hello Faith Family!

As we have been talking about “overcoming” the last two weeks, something I have been thinking about is how to overcome disunity in the body of Christ. I want to share with you an entry from my journal (below). I feel this is something every church struggles with, but rarely is addressed. Following the journal entry is a list of what is coming up at Faith.

Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. For there is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father, who is over all and in all and living through all.

I always hear people say we are to be unified in the body…but what does that mean? I have been involved at many churches, and let me tell you, some of the worst division of people is perpetuated within the walls of the church. Churches seem to be natural breeding grounds for division. Church-goers might feel more entitled to heaven, or think that what they are doing is more important than what other churches are doing, or even what people within their own church are doing.

Have you ever been a part of a church that always has to tell you they are the exciting church – doing so many things —they are not one of those boring churches? They have to put other churches down to build themselves up. Ever been to a church like that?

That is not to say we shouldn’t celebrate what the larger body of Christ across denominational lines is doing for the kingdom. But Paul makes a plea for us in the verses above. He says, “make every effort to keep unified”. How do we do that? By living in peace with one another. Not putting down or waging war on other denominations, but seeking out the good unified Spirit of Jesus, who is the head of the church that unifies us in one body. We are all called to the same future with Christ. We have already won. The verdict is in. Why not celebrate together? Celebrate diversity instead of disunity. That sounds like a more pleasing option to me; and hopefully to all of us.

God, be with all churches today as they work to further your kingdom on earth. Help us be unified in the Spirit, not creating discord among your people, but building each other up in faith. Lord I understand this starts with me. Clean my heart, help me be a person who promotes your peace and unity. Amen.


All Church Picnic
Summer in Minnesota = Church Picnic time! Plan to join us next Wednesday, August 21 from 6-8:30pm for dinner, fellowship, and baptisms at Antler's Park (Lake Marion) in Lakeville! We'll provide burgers and hot dogs - bring your own chair or blanket and a dish to share.

Small Group Leader Training
Calling all (potential) small group leaders! Are you feeling a nudge to help lead one of Faith's small group? Is there a topic you are passionate about? We're looking for small group leaders of a wide variety to launch small groups of an equally wide variety this fall! Training is free and support is ongoing. Contact Jen at [email protected] to sign up! Training is offered as two options: #1- Saturday, August 24 from 9am - 3 pm; #2-Monday and Wednesday, August 26 & 28 6 - 9pm.

Women's Fall Retreat
Covenant Pines Women’s Retreat on September 20-22 is designed with you in mind! Come and enjoy inspiring biblical teaching, uplifting worship, break-out sessions, crafts, exercise activities, much needed free time and delicious dining! Sign-up with family, friends, on your own, or with a church group. Speaker is Pastor Stephanie Williams of Mill City Church in Northeast Minneapolis. Register at www.covenantpines.org/retreats Register before August 20 and enjoy an early bird discount of $15.

Tangible Mission Support
If you would consider loaning a dependable car for Larry and Allison Smoak to use while they are visiting Minnesota this fall (through New Years) please contact Jen at [email protected]. Use would be mostly for metro area travel, with one out of state visit. Any offers for all or part of the time they are here from Honduras are appreciated.

Confirmation Information Meeting
An initial informational meeting will be held Sunday, August 25 at 10:30-11:00am in room 150 (youth center). At this gathering, we will briefly explain expectations and answer questions. All students considering taking confirmation and a parent should attend. This is most commonly 9th graders, but older students who did not take it are also welcome, and occasionally 8th graders choose to as well.

Financial Peace University
You spoke, and we are delighted to respond! This spring at the close of our Guardrails series, several hundred of you wrote down an area you wanted to hand over to God. Overwhelmingly, finances were the most frequently-cited growth area. In response, we will be hosting a Financial Peace University (FPU) class this fall on Tuesday evenings, September 17-November 12, 6:30-8:30pm. To register, visit http://www.daveramsey.com/fpu/classfinder and select the Faith Covenant class. Member kits are $95/each (couples only need one) and will be available at Faith. Please contact the Care office at [email protected] if you would like to be considered for a scholarship. For other questions, contact DeeAnn at 612-590-6804 or [email protected].


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