Greetings Church Family!

In this week's Faith Update I want to share with you some opportunities to dive into this movement of Christ followers! Whether it is bringing Christ into the center of your personal finances or asking if God might be leading you to lead a small group please check out what's happening here.


-Pastor Mike

Small Group Leader Training
Calling all (potential) small group leaders! Are you feeling a nudge to help lead one of Faith's small group? Is there a topic you are passionate about? We're looking for small group leaders of a wide variety to launch small groups of an equally wide variety this fall! Training is free and support is ongoing. Contact Jen at [email protected] to sign up! Training is offered as two options: #1- Saturday, August 24 from 9am - 3 pm; #2-Monday and Wednesday, August 26 & 28 6 - 9pm.

Financial Peace University
You spoke, and we are delighted to respond! This spring at the close of our Guardrails series, several hundred of you wrote down an area you wanted to hand over to God. Overwhelmingly, finances were the most frequently-cited growth area. In response, we will be hosting a Financial Peace University (FPU) class this fall on Tuesday evenings, September 17-November 12, 6:30-8:30pm. To register, visit and select the Faith Covenant class. Member kits are $95/each (couples only need one) and will be available at Faith. Please contact the Care office at [email protected] if you would like to be considered for a scholarship. For other questions, contact DeeAnn at 612-590-6804 or [email protected].

Tangible Mission Support
If you would consider loaning a dependable car for Larry and Allison Smoak to use while they are visiting Minnesota this fall (through New Years) please contact Jen at [email protected]. Use would be mostly for metro area travel, with one out of state visit. Any offers for all or part of the time they are here from Honduras are appreciated.

Confirmation Information Meeting
An initial informational meeting will be held Sunday, August 25 at 10:30-11:00am in room 150 (youth center). At this gathering, we will briefly explain expectations and answer questions. All students considering taking confirmation and a parent should attend. This is most commonly 9th graders, but older students who did not take it are also welcome, and occasionally 8th graders choose to as well. If only a student or only a parent can attend for some reason, do that. However, if you absolutely cannot make the meeting, please contact Brian ([email protected]) to get the necessary information sent to you.

Children, Youth and Family Update
After two and a half years serving at FCC, Shelly Brinkmann has chosen to transition out of her role at Faith Covenant Church as our Nursery Coordinator. We celebrate her faithful service and many contributions to the spiritual care and development of our youngest worshipers at Faith Covenant. If Shelly has touched your family, please take the time to honor her and thank her for her work. We hope and pray that her next steps are a blessing to her and her family.

In response to Shelly’s transition, Erin Foley will be stepping in as the Interim Early Childhood Coordinator. Erin has been volunteering in this area frequently and knows the program and the people involved very well. Her position will last 8-10 weeks until we hire a permanent position in the near future. If you have any questions about the transition or anything else related to children and family ministry, please contact Brian Martin at [email protected] or 952.890.3110.

And while that last sentence probably sounds like just a token gesture and a rote expression that someone would put in any letter like this, I assure you it actually is not. I truly value your input and desire to hear your questions, so if you have them, please contact me. We are in this together

Thank you.

Brian Martin

Director of Children, Youth, and Family

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