By  Brian Martin - Student Ministries Director

“Sometimes the church is the bride, and sometimes it’s the Bridezilla.”

Are you familiar with this term: Bridezilla?  It refers to a bride who terrorizes all her guests (and especially those who are involved in the wedding) because she is entirely selfish.  She believes it acceptable behavior because, as conventional wisdom suggests, “today is all about her.”

Scripture refers to the Church, meaning all those who claim Jesus as Savior, as a bride.  So my question for all of us is simple: are we acting like a righteous bride, anticipating a reunion with our Bridegroom and seeking a holiness and selflessness that would please Him?  Or do we approach our faith and our life with the attitude of selfishness and an air of “it’s all about me?”

Revelation 19:6-7
    For our Lord God Almighty reigns.
7 Let us rejoice and be glad
    and give him glory!
For the wedding of the Lamb has come,
    and his bride has made herself ready.

May we each be filled with the Spirit, be convicted of our own selfishness, and act like a proper, loving Bride who prepares herself with righteousness and humility before God!

Here are some important things going on at Faith Covenant in the coming weeks:

Small Group Kick-off
We're ready to launch! Our newly formed leadership team is in place, group leaders have been trained, and we're excited to launch several new and varied groups this month! Please be praying now about taking a leap of faith and joining a small group. On February 17 you will receive a brochure outlining all of Faith's small group options, and on February 24, Pastor David Stark will lead our worship service, which will be followed by a time to connect with leaders and sign up for a group in the lobby.

Ash Wednesday
Service will be 6:30-7:15pm in the Worship Center.  This marks the beginning of Lent and will include contemplative prayer and reflection, and communion.

"Jesus and the Qur'an” Wednesday Classes
This class is 6 weeks and starts Feb 6 with leaders Rick Drenk and Kim Gustafson. (Class will start at 7:30 on Feb 12 to make space for the Ash Wednesday service). It will be from 6:30-8:00 in room 200.  No registration necessary – please just join us and invite a friend!

Student Winter Retreats
The REV and Fusion winter retreats are on the same weekend, March 1-3 at Lake Beauty Bible Camp. Registration is online only, through Eventbrite. The junior high retreat costs $120 - register at revolutionretreat.eventbrite.com.  The senior high retreat is $130 - register for it at fusionretreat.eventbrite.com. Registration deadline is February 15. Please note that If you want to order a t-shirt, you also do that through Eventbrite.

Student Ministry Summer Trips for REV and FUSION – Informational meeting this Sunday!
Please join us this Sunday, February 3 from 10:40-11:00am between services in room 230.  You’ll have a chance to hear details, ask questions, and learn some of our new ways of approaching these Service Leadership Trips.  Jr. High will be heading to Milwaukee and Sr. High is going to Colorado.

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