by Jon Dack, Children's Ministry Director
If you are like me you might have found yourself questioning your own sanity this past week. After all, what person in their right mind would choose to live in a place where it is possible for the "high" temp to reach a balmy -4. I know the die hard Minnesotan's will accuse me of going soft but here is my list of reasons I might consider moving to a warmer climate and one really good reason I probably never will:

- Freezing nose hair (Need I say more?)
- Dead car batteries
- Low air pressure in my cars tires
- Frost bite on my fingers from trying to air up my cars tires
- Black ice
- Cold car seats (Sorry no seat warmers in my vehicle)
- Standing still so that my legs don't touch the outside of my frozen pants
- Wind chills so low I have to worry about "flash freezing" any exposed skin
- Having to seek refuge from the wind behind the gas pump as I fill up my car

Yes, at times it seems like the decision to seek warmer waters should be a easy one, but then there is one really good reason to stay. This is home. There maybe warmer weather in other places but I don't think I could ever find warmer people. There is something about the weather that draws us together into the common experience of what it is to "be Minnesotan". It is a common bond that we all share no matter our ethnicity, race, or politics. Love the cold, hate it, or do both, but you can't deny that it wouldn't be home without it.  

Looking for ways to warm your soul this winter? Check out the upcoming events at Faith Covenant below:
Rest & Renewal Prayer Retreat
You are invited to a time of spiritual rest and renewal as we pause to intentionally make space to connect more intimately with God.  We will do this through guided conversations around scripture, creative prayer, and holy listening. January 26th from 9am - 3pm. Contact Pastor John with questions: [email protected].

"Jesus and the Qur'an” Seminar
This seminar will equip people to understand where Muslims come from and learn how to bring the love of Jesus to Muslim friends. It is hosted by Faith, Common Ground, and Discovery Ministry at the Apple Valley Community Center, February 1 & 2. Follow-up teaching on applying the kingdom principles of this seminar will be given by Kim Gustafson and Rick Drenk on Wednesday nights at Faith in February & March. Sign up and/or learn more on FCC website.

Women’s Bible Study
Come connect with other women as we strengthen our spiritual and human relationships through study & discussion. Our winter study is based on the book "Stuck", by Jennie Allen, and will help us discover where we get stuck and how God sets us free. Tuesdays, January 29 - March 19 at 10am or 7pm. Book is $9. Sign up in the lobby on Sundays or RSVP to [email protected].

Student Summer Trip Information Meeting
February 3 @10:40am - interested students and parents are invited to hear about the Summer Service Leadership Trip to Milwaukee, June 30-July 3, for junior high students, and the Summer Service Leadership Trip to Colorado, July 13-20, for senior high students. The meeting will be brief but will give pertinent details about both trips. For further questions, contact Lynn at [email protected].

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