Oh boy! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays! Yes, I love food. But more then the food I love spending time with my family, reminiscing about times past with the people I love, and sharing different things that we are thankful for.

This year, I am so thankful for a congregation who has listened to God’s voice in a year of jubilee. As a staff we dreamt about God using the year to pay off our mortgage. But guess what? God did not have that in our plans…He had a much more grandiose plan, one that we hadn’t even dared to hope. God’s plan is bigger then our wildest dream.

As many of you know, this last week we paid off the mortgage. God was saying to us, “I don’t want Faith entering their year of jubilee thinking they need to pay off their debt.” God blew us away and, as you well know, last week as we paid off our mortgage. Wow! What a church! What a people! What a God! I am inspired by the good work he does!

The money that was going to the mortgage is now freed up for reaching more people with the Gospel message—a message that renews hearts, homes, and cities. So this week, praise God for what he is doing through his church!

The work is not over. We still have a lot of fixing up to do around here. We have a boiler that is on its last leg, room 200 needs a furnace replaced, the roof and parking lot need some mending. I know these are all things that are not very “sexy” to give too. But they are very real realities we live in. So please Faith, please continue to give as you are today. We can celebrate the major victory of paying off the mortgage, but lets not celebrate totally victory until we finish the race.

Thank you for your example. Thank you for the way you lead us as a staff in your sacrificial giving. I am in awe. I really am. Good job. Keep going and let’s continue being the hands and feet of Jesus in our community.

This is Jon Oney signing off. See you this weekend!


Thanksgiving Eve service (November 21, 6:30pm)

Join us for a sweet time of worship, testimonies, and communion, followed by a pie reception in Room 200.

Santa Lucia (December 1, 8:30am, 10:30am, and 12:30pm)
Plans and preparations for our 26th annual Lucia festival are well-underway! Whether you are Scandinavian or not, this delightful morning will satisfy your taste buds and warm your hearts with music, drama, festive décor, the gospel message, and a gift shop. 

Worship Times Change to 9:30 and 11:00am!! (December 2)

Advent Event (December 2, anytime during the morning)
Regardless of age, gender, or season of life, head to Room 200 for a meaningful ushering-in of the advent season. Prepare ye the way of the Lord!

Christmas Eve services (4, 7, and 8:30pm)
One of the most significant events of the Christian faith – a celebration of God’s gift of grace and reconciliation to us—his own Son, Jesus!

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