Have you ever felt like you were apart of something really special: a winning sports team, a group that truly cared for one another and defied the odds? Being apart of the Christ's body at FCC is an exciting place to be these days.  I'm amazed at what God is doing and wants to continue to do.  And Christmas is a fantastic time to be riding a wave of anticipation and excitement to see what blessings come next.

In that spirit of advent and anticipation, we need your help. This year we are not spending money to promote Christmas through ad agencies or newspapers. We are depending upon you, our congregation, to get the word out. Think of someone you know who needs Jesus. Pray about it and give them an invite card to come check out one of our Christmas Eve services @ 4pm, 7pm, or 8:30pm. The cards are at the welcome desk in the lobby. Grab a handful and start investing in people’s lives by inviting them to church this Christmas.

We have a few other things listed below. And don’t forget we're continuing our brand new advent series this Sunday called “The Songs We Sing” at our new service times 9:30am & 11am. Hope to see you there! 

This is Pastor John, signing off….


Remember: Worship Times have Changed to 9:30 and 11:00am!! 

Christmas Eve services (4, 7, and 8:30pm)
One of the most significant events of the Christian faith – a celebration of God’s gift of grace and reconciliation to us—his own Son, Jesus!

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