Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we approach the formal celebration of our 50 years of ministry as a church family, we wanted to reach out to you after our congregational meeting and your receipt of the recent letter earlier this month from Pastors John and Mike regarding the Jubilee Invitation.  We see many things for which to give praise to our Lord.   We pray that all we do and ask is in obedience to our Risen Savior.  We ask that you use this time to further strengthen your own personal relationship with our Lord through prayer and in your own personal way.

We want to summarize some of the items that we highlighted at our congregational meeting.  Our pastoral and support staff are healthy and well motivated.  We heard from our newest directors, Brian Martin (Youth Director) and Jon Oney (Worship & Welcome Director). They are excited and inspired with their ministry areas.  Big items here -first – a need for additional lay volunteers to supplement and support our children ministry programs and second - a call for 50 choir voices to sing praises at all three Christmas Eve services.  Stay tuned for details on choir rehearsals and schedules.  Finally, a huge praise to our Lord and thanks to our church family for the financial response to needs.  For the first time in almost nine years, we came through August and September with all bills paid.  Please keep up the good work.

Next, we want to invite you to pray for and nominate some of our gifted and talented brothers and sisters to council positions.  If you feel a calling to do so, we would welcome your nominating yourself for consideration.  We can assure you that serving on council contributes immeasurably to the effective governing and oversight of our church ministry.  You will also benefit significantly in your own spiritual development and growth.  Please e-mail Carol Olinger at [email protected] with recommendations. Carol will then send all names to the FCC Nominating Committee.  Thank you to those who have agreed to serve on our Nominating Committee.

Finally, we want to underscore our council’s support for the Jubilee Initiative as Pastors John and Mike explained in their letter.  We prayerfully deliberated for several months together as the initiative was formulated.  It is clearly a spirit led invitation towards specific goals as we approach our dinner celebrating 50 years of ministry.  Leading the list is the great commission component – reaching out beyond our walls to free the lives of others in our community.  Close seconds and thirds are retiring our remaining mortgage balance and growing our capital fund – freeing ourselves to free others.  November 11th is our banquet and celebration day.   Although we set it as the date for officially taking a snapshot and reporting on progress, we welcome any contributions through the end of the year and beyond as the Holy Spirit may lead you.  For those who want to consider making online donations, please do so at our secure online site at:

Thanks to all of you for your interest and support of our collective ministry at Faith.  Let us pledge to maintain a healthy prayer life through this season. We can only imagine the stories that will be told 50 years from now as God’s children look back at what will then be 100 years of celebration.  We can proclaim with certainty they will be pleasing to our Lord.

In it together,

Roger Baldwin and Susan Lay
Faith Covenenat Church Council
President & Vice President


Faith’s Infant Baptism class is taking place October 14th.

MEA weekend will once again be the dates for our junior high and senior high fall retreats at Covenant Pines.  You can go directly to the Covenant Pines website to sign up – just be sure to write “Faith Covenant” under “church name” when you register.  Junior high: October 17-19; Senior High October 19-21.  Scholarships may be available – please contact Brian Martian [email protected] with any questions.

Sunday, October 28 – Following the 9qm service. Lunch will be provided! Please Sign up ion Church lobby on Sunday if you want to be a part of this wonderful event.

Sunday, November 11, 6-8pm Tickets on sale in church lobby on Sundays. Tickets are $35, but contact [email protected] if money may be a hindrance to your celebrating with us.

This Christmas our Faith program hinges on having a Choir. We would like 50 people to participate. Rehearsals are 11/13, 11/27, 12/04, 12/11 and 12/20 from 6:30pm - 9pm. First and last rehearsals are mandatory. Other rehearsals may be just sections at a time. Vicki Newendorp will be leading the choir rehearsals. If you or someone you know want to be a part of this opportunity, please contact [email protected].

Also, November 4th is Faith's Hymn Sing. If you would like to be a part of that Choir, pleas contact [email protected]. Rehearsal for the Hymn sing is November 3rd from 9am - noon. Lunch will be provided.

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