Greetings Friends,

Pastor Mike Lotzer here with this week’s Faith Update.  Appreciating the good things that God brings our way is a discipline I often forget to incorporate. With that in mind let me share some good news that I am thanking God for at Faith:

New Faces:  I am seeing more and more new faces in our weekly gatherings. The warmth and Christ-like hospitality of our church family seems to be growing, and for that I am grateful to you and to God.

As we Age: I spoke with a dear woman in her late seventies last week who shared with me how she is becoming more aware of the true motives of her heart.  As she identifies pride and selfishness she is becoming quicker to ask for forgiveness to those she interacts with.  How cool is that? A church where even those of us approaching 80 years old are intentionally asking God to grow us!

Early Words of Faith:  I am so grateful for those who see a need and offer time and talent to teach our children about Jesus.  In my own family the value of our children’s ministry became clear when my son, just shy of his second birthday, said  “I love Jesus” as I put him down for a nap after church.  Of course he often stays in the nursery for both services so he does get the benefit of repetition… For a church that forms the faith of toddlers I am so grateful!

Service & Influence: Faith Food Outreach fed 370 families Monday. Isn’t that incredible? Thank you to all who serve on the second Monday of each month in that ministry.  I heard today that more and more of the clients who receive the food are asking to volunteer to help serve the food.  Behind that trend I see the power of just how influential giving one’s time with no strings attached to help others can be.  In fact, in general, we are seeing more people asking how they can serve at Faith across departments. Thank you for that church!

Give, Save, Live: This simple rhythm of financial management is more than good advice. It is the biblical rhythm of responsibly managing God’s resources. I preached on this rhythm last winter and I have been humbled to see tangible growth in giving at FCC.  I sense that our church is grasping that generosity and giving God our first as a response to the Gospel.  What is more, it is the best vaccination possible against the virus of greed, consumer debt, and financial heartbreak.  Thank you for giving joyfully, sacrificially and consistently.  It is critical to moving our ministry in God-honoring directions. 

Faith in College:  I am thrilled to see that so many have rallied around a plan our Youth Director, Brian Martin, is rolling out. His plan: Build volunteer teams to support our individual young people at FCC as they transition from high school to college.  These teams will send care packages and letters to our College Freshman next fall and commit to praying for and dialoging with these ambassadors of Christ in a new chapter that is often infamous for starving a daily walk with Christ.

These are just a sampling of the good news that comes across my desk and through conversations daily. From my view God is moving in this family.  Some of the very best things are so clearly a work of God’s Spirit that our staff couldn’t even begin to take credit for it! If you would like to share some good news you see happening at Faith please send it to our church council at: [email protected]

Lastly, below you will find information about Children’s Ministry, a Walking Club, Missionary Updates and more.  God bless and keep you in Christ!

Mike Lotzer

Children's Ministry Summer Programs
Check out the fun things we have planned for your children/grandchildren this summer at Faith! They won't want to miss VBS, Covenant Pines Day Camp or Secret Service Day Camp. Registrations are available on the Children's Ministry page at, or paper copies are at Faith by the main office. VBS is free and is a great outreach opportunity to share with your friends and neighbors.

Faith Steps Walking Club
We are excited to offer our women an opportunity to gather on a weekly basis this summer to walk, visit, and pray together. Join us Friday mornings from 9-10am for a time of exercise and fellowship. Bring your little ones (strollers are welcome) and friendly dogs, if you'd like. For more information, contact Natalie at [email protected]. The first Faith Steps will be June 2, meeting at and departing from Faith.

Mission Moment

Stop by the Faith Missions Board (in the upstairs hall by the east door) to learn more about the Smoak's ministry in Honduras. Allison Smoak is a daughter of our congregation; parents are Mark & Pat Heimkes.

Covenant Pines Golf Tournament
Join us for the 18th Annual Covenant Pines Golf Tournament, Wed June 5th at Crystal Lake Golf Course in Lakeville. Funds from the event will help support Covenant Pines scholarships to ensure every kid is a camper. Limited to the first 144 golfers. Don't golf? No problem. Be a sponsor or donate prizes. Register online at Click on the "schedule" tab.

Walk for Life

Mark your calendars! Faith Covenant has long partnered with our neighbor, Amnion Crisis Pregnancy Center, in hosting their annual Walk for Life. This year's (2 mile) walk will take place on Saturday, June 8th and, as always, begins and ends right here at Faith Covenant. Consider walking, invite your friends, and/or sponsor a walker this year! Contact Deb Devine at [email protected] for more information.

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