By Brian Martin

Without question, we have a staff that is supportive of one another.  We want one another to succeed, be healthy, and stay committed to our mission of renewal through Christ.

With that in mind, we have made a practical step to formalize that support and the systems surrounding it with the formation of a new staff team that will be responsible for Children, Youth, and Family.  This will help our team create a strategic and seamless spiritual development arc that walks with a young person from birth and prepares them into the college years.  The formation of our team will allow us to work within our strength areas even more, support one another in more practical ways, and ensure our ministry is increasingly effective and increasingly collaborative.

All the people you would expect will still be a part of this CYF (Children, Youth, and Family) initiative: Jon Dack and Shelly Brinkman remain our Children’s Ministry experts and lead programming from birth through 5th grade; Ryan Nyquist (have you met Ryan yet?) and Brian Martin will still be responsible for 6th-12th grade; and Lynn Nunn is the administrative assistant supporting this whole integrated department.  However, while the players still remain the same, the change means that Brian (that’s me) will also take on the additional responsibility of spear-heading this family initiative and leading and managing the team and our efforts.

My first goal is to simply understand better what is happening in the younger levels and begin to form strategy around a more family-centric model that considers implications across generations.  As we move forward, we will also work to streamline our communication pieces, coordinate our schedules, and be sure we are working toward a common vision in a common direction. 

What does that mean for you as someone who has kids in our programming?  From a day-to-day stand point, you’ll still go to the leader of each ministry area with questions or needs.  But from a medium-to-long-term standpoint, know that we have a renewed commitment to making Faith Covenant the best resource and source of encouragement for your family and for you as parents, as well as a commitment to being the best trellis on which the spiritual growth of our young people can grow.

And now, here are some other important things we want you to know!

VBS – We need YOU!

Registrations are pouring in, preparations are being made, and prayers are being said for our littlest FCCers (and many of their friends and neighbors) to join us for VBS June 17-21 (9am-Noon). With hundreds of kids to serve, we need your help to give them the best experience possible.  Specifically, we are in need of two things: we need 10 Crew Leaders to join our team, and 1 First Aid Attendant.  Can you help?  If so, please contact Lynn Nunn at [email protected] to get signed up for this amazing opportunity.

    Crew Leader: (Adults/high school students) Crew leaders guide their crew members (6-8 kids) through     activities, help facilitate learning, and join in the VBS fun!

    First Aid Attendant: Help with bumps, scrapes, and boo boos!  While medical training and/or CPR            training are a huge plus, compassion and common sense are the only necessity to serve in this important     role.


Calling all students grades 5-12!  Did you know that our first week of summer programming started JUNE 2??  That’s right, we’re meeting most Sunday nights throughout the summer, and YOU and all your friends are invited!  We’ll be studying the Sermon on the Mount, play some amazing games, and have an awesome time connecting. 

REV (grades 6-8) meets from 6:30-8:00pm in Rm 150;

FUSION (grades 9-12) meets from 8:00-9:30pm in Rm 150. 

Current 5th graders are invited to join us this summer as well!  And current 8th graders may choose either (or both) levels to participate.  Full calendars for REV and Fusion summer plans can be found here: 



Questions, comments, or wise cracks can be directed to Brian at [email protected].

MUUUCE – Jr. High Experience

We cannot WAIT for MUUUCE this year!  All students currently in grades 5-8 are invited to join us for MUUUCE in Woodbury. It is going to be AMAZING! The trip will include Valleyfair, awesome music, a great speaker, and tons of other fun things to do.  Get all the information you need (including registration forms, etc.) on our website at: Deadline to sign up is Sunday, June 23. 

**Please note: you MUST sign up through Faith Covenant (or another Covenant church) – not through Crossroads who is hosting the event.**

Women's Ministry Summer Book Study

Join us beginning July 9 at 10am, as we study and discuss this book by mother-daughter authors Kathie Reimer and Lisa Whittle, who want women to come to a better understanding of knowing what is required of us. By identifying and and dealing with these things, we gain the empowerment of the Lord who guides, strengthens, and enables us to do what he asks. Study is 7 weeks , and chapter 1 should be read before the first class. Books available at Faith for $10. Contact Jen to RSVP [email protected].

Save the date: Benefit Concert

Mark your calendars for Faith4Freedom's Awareness and Action Concert on Saturday August 3. It will be at Nicollet Commons Park in Burnsville from 6 - 9pm. Watch for more details soon! For more information, contact Deb Devine at [email protected]


Introducing Ryan Nyquist 

Ryan Nyquist recently joined Faith's Student Ministry Team as the Worship Leader and Junior High Coordinator.  He will lead the worship and tech teams for our Student Ministry programming, as well as be the point person for Jr. High events.  He will also share the teaching role occasionally.  Ryan is a gifted musician, an engaging personality, a strong leader, and a great teammate.  As you get to meet him, please welcome him to the Faith family!

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