By Pastor Mike Lotzer

I’m blown away by this church!  There is an ever-increasing movement of God’s grace and favor on this unique family of Christ followers.  Case in point: We had thirty-two people come forward to be baptized in a service recently–how amazing is that?

Or think about this, we are consistently feeding hungry families with our second Monday of the month Food Outreach Ministry–a ministry that is 100% volunteer led! That is remarkable.  Perhaps you don’t know this; our staff is prayerfully asking how we can bless other churches and ministry staffs.  Both Pastor John Foley and I have recently preached at churches that don’t have the benefit of a large staff.  Isn’t it awesome that we can give pastors a well-deserved break to regroup and hear from God for no charge?  But most recently, I’m excited about VBS! The remainder of this week’s update is all about how our kid’s are leading the way. Let me explain:

Jon Dack our Children’s Ministry Director delivered a fantastic sermon this past Sunday!  If you were out of town go listen to it in our website under media + messages.  In the message Jon said we could take a lesson or two from the boldness of kids.  Jon Dack is right on is he not?

Practically this comes alive for me through the flurry of activity and joyful cheers from kids getting excited about Jesus.  What are they up to? It is our annual Vacation Bible School at FCC. What an event it is, let me tell you. The volunteers pour out their generous time and talent. The kids from our community, having no reason to come, are actually coming to hear the gospel.  And of course, there are those blinding neon shirts all around the building! The excitement and boldness of our kids at FCC is contagious I assure you.  

Think about it.  Kids can get us adults to do things we would never do otherwise–like when I do those voice impersonations of the Thomas the Train characters before bed for my two-year old.  Wow, did I just admit that in an article that people will be able to Google for all of time?  Seriously though, how passionate is your praise of God?  Kind David danced like a fool in front of the royal court and said, “I will become even more undignified than this for my God!”

Now I’m all for reverence. In fact, solitude and respect is the natural way I approach God, but what about the child-like boldness inside the heart of every Christ-follower?  How is that passion and boldness being grown in your own life this week?  If you don’t know, I dare you to pray a dangerous prayer: ”Dear God, would you give me an opportunity this week to be bold for you, to get excited about how good you are?”  See what happens and learn from those who keep it simple, our kids. 

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